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Curriculum Intent

We aim to give all children in our Nursery and Reception classes an exciting, challenging and meaningful start to their learning journey with us.

Our passionate and experienced team of Early Years practitioners plan children’s learning experiences in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum guidance and principles.

We strive to provide a creative, discovery and play-based curriculum which takes into account the children’s existing skills, knowledge and interests. Children are encouraged and enabled to make choices about their own learning both indoors and outdoors. Through the learning opportunities we provide, our children become active and independent learners who develop strong enquiry and practical skills as well as becoming personally and socially confident individuals who enjoy learning.

We pride ourselves on the impact of the environment on our pupils’ learning and promote high quality interactions focused on developing early language and oracy. Working with parents, we build positive relationships through our open door policy, strong communication through our online platform, SeeSaw and through our termly “Story Café” where parents are invited to join us to promote and celebrate reading and stories.

It is our intention that all pupils leave the EYFS as enthusiastic, thriving, well prepared and confident individuals who are ready for the next stage in their learning journey.