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Together we can improve attendance

Moorland Primary School and Nursery promotes regular attendance and punctuality at school. This remains a key priority for the safety and wellbeing of all of our pupils & staff. Together with Campfire Education Trust, our Board of Governors and our Local Authority designated Education Welfare Provider, we believe that it is essential for all pupils to attend school every day and on time and to avoid any unnecessary absence. Any loss of time at school can adversely affect a child’s attainment and wellbeing.

Consistency in attendance is essential if children are to make progress and take an active part in school life.  As a school we will do all that we can to encourage parents/carers to ensure that the children in their care achieve maximum possible attendance. Any problems that may prevent regular attendance will be identified and acted upon promptly.

In case of pupil absence, parents should always inform the school on the first day of absence by phoning, writing or in person, so that we can record the reason for the absence.  This is particularly important if an infectious illness is involved to allow the School to respond in line with Public Health England guidance.

Medical evidence may be requested by the school for absences to be authorised and can be a copy of a prescription, an appointment card or the medication itself.


As with attendance, it is very important that children arrive to school on time each day.  Every minute missed adds up to a vast amount of learning time lost over the school year.  Children who arrive late regularly miss starting the school day with their peers and the beginning of lessons.  This can also be disrupting for the rest of the class and the teacher. 

School starts at 8.30am every day.  Your child will be classified as being late if they are not on the school premises by 8.45am.

As with irregular attendance, if your child is continuously late for school, we will invite parents/ carers in to meet the School's Safeguarding and Attendance Lead, a member of the Senior Leadership team or the Education Welfare Officer at Milton Keynes City Council.

How we Celebrate Attendance at Moorland Primary School and Nursery

At Moorland Primary School and Nursery, we believe it is important to recognise & celebrate good attendance and punctuality which are extremely important life skills.

We celebrate Attendance in the following ways:

A Weekly Celebration Assembly:

  • Where the class with the best attendance & punctuality for that week are awarded with our Moorland Attendance Hero cups.
  • Any Class with 100% Attendance in a week will be rewarded an additional prize during the weekly celebration assembly.
  • Individual rewards for a full terms 100% attendance - certificates and badges will be awarded to these children in a Celebration of Attendance Assembly.

Our Marvel Market rewards 100% attendance.  If children attend school on time every day in a week, they earn 5 Marvel points which they can save towards choosing a special gift or toy from our Marvel Market. 

Be an Attendance HERO


"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek."   Mario Andretti - World Champion Racing Driver.